Grants and Scholarships
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The purpose of the Community Grants Program of the Rotary Club of Carbondale is to distribute funds raised through the annual Fireball Drop and other fundraising initiatives to Roaring Fork Valley nonprofit or not for profit organizations in a fair, efficient, and effective manner. The funds should address community needs including but not limited to education, health and human services, mental health, the environment, animal welfare, recreation, food security, seniors, and youth. We do not accept requests for individuals or unofficial groups. Please note grants are capped at $2,000 per organization per year.

• The Carbondale Rotary Club is a service organization centered around four basic principles: truth, fairness, good will, and benefit to all concerned.

• Scholarship Grants will be funded under a separate Rotary program.

• Grants will be determined by a volunteer committee of Rotary members.

• The Rotary club does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or disability.

• Applications must coincide with the Rotary International goals of literacy, health, hunger, water management, mental health, and youth services.

Questions? Email Jessi at

Applications are available each January for the annual Carbondale Rotary Scholarship for graduating seniors looking to continue their education past high school, including trade schools. Areas of emphasis for the Carbondale Rotary Scholarship are financial need, school and community service, and a well-rounded approach to life. Applications will be submitted with an essay addressing Rotary’s 4-Way Test and its motto, “Service Above Self,” and how it applies to the applicant. For additional information or research related to our Motto and Four Way Test you can visit the Rotary International website at

Graduating seniors from Roaring Fork, Bridges, and Basalt high schools are eligible.

Students can visit their school counselor for applications details.

Applications are due February/March of each year

Dear Schools and Students:

Roaring Fork and Basalt high school students must complete their Carbondale Rotary scholarship application by Feb. 26, 2025. Find the RFHS application here, and the BHS application here.

Bridges High School students can obtain a paper application from their school office. Completed application should be returned to your school office by March 15, 2025

A Scholarship Review Committee consisting of Rotary members will review the applications and decide on scholarship recipients and amounts. Individuals and schools will be notified of the outcome by early May. Scholarship recipients will be invited to a Carbondale Rotary Club meeting to accept the scholarship.

Pat Waddick
Scholarship Committee Chair